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Choir of New College Oxford

Choral Services

Choral Services at New College are sung daily (excluding Wednesdays) during the 8 weeks of the three University Terms of the year: early October to early December (Michaelmas), mid-January to mid-March (Hilary), and late April to late June (Trinity).

More information about the chapel life of the college can be found on the College website. Vistors are very warmly invited to attend any of our services without booking in advance. Evensong takes place at 6.15 on weekday (excluding Wednesdays) and Saturday evening. Evensong begins at the earlier time of 5.45 on Sundays. You may enter the College either via the main Porters Lodge on Holywell Street, or by the New Lane entrance. 

If you are planning to come as part of a large group, please get in touch with our chapel adminstrator Nancy-Jane Rucker ( to reserve seats.