New College: Commissions & Premieres

Linn Records CKD 720
RELEASE DATE: 23/06/2023
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The music composed for New College Choir in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries provides a compelling historical tour of changing musical styles and liturgical practices. On this disc we survey New College commissions from the 1920s to the 2020s, beginning with William Harris’s evergreen Faire is the heaven, composed while he was Organist of New College, and ending with two recent commissions from Caitlin Harrison and Deborah Pritchard. The disc is built round three settings of the Evensong canticles, by Paul Drayton, Herbert Howells, and Deborah Pritchard. For Kenneth Leighton’s heart-wrenching cantata Crucifixus pro nobis, written in 1961, the choir is joined by tenor Nick Pritchard, a former academical clerk at New College.
Click below to download the booklet and a track from the Album.